Autumn Immersion Journey Details

12:00 pm ET Thursday, October 2nd - 12:00 pm ET Sun, October 5th

by Lifebridge Sanctuary | 333 Mountain Road, Rosendale NY 12472

What to Expect On Your Autumn Immersion Journey

  • Four Days In Which You Step Out Of Time

We live into the Hero’s Journey by fully practicing the cycle of SEPARATION – INITIATION – RETURN. 

We leave behind everything that is familiar to us – people, places, routines, habits, etc.  This allows us to shed a familiar way of being, in order to open to the Journey that awaits us.

  • Experience an Ally Group As a Living Presence

Many of us have been uncomfortable with groups, as they make us aware of our vulnerabilities, insecurities and shortcomings in social settings.  Yet these types of ‘Ally Groups’ are powerful vehicles for awakening new ways of perceiving and relating, and they provide new ways of experience one’s self as embodied and alive to the world.

We work to help each participant experience their ‘Ally Group’ as a resource and a support to them, allowing each person to go, with accompaniment, where they would never be able to go alone.

  • Experience Conscious & Embodied Movement As A Group

We will be encouraged move our bodies, gently and in ways we would might not typically be conscious of in our daily lives.  These ways of moving take us beyond self-imposed limitations, and allow for new ways of thinking to spontaneously emerge from within.  

  • Working With A Personal Edge

Each participant will have the opportunity to work on a personal limitation or block that tends to hold them back, or an area of struggle that causes them persistent stress or suffering.  As well, each participant will be provided with opportunities, with support, to transcend these obstacles, and enter new psychic territory.

  • Engaging A Sense of Mystery

Those attending this particular immersion will have the chance to experience a gradual, yet profound sense of surrendering deeper and deeper into one’s self.  By doing so, participants find themselves becoming more vitally alive, as the encounter a sense of wordless awe and wonder at the edge of a mystery.  The challenge is to become deeply receptive to beauty and truth, the very things that can passionately move the self forward through new ways of thinking and spontaneously acting.


Upon Your Enrollment

You will be directed to our detailed Preparation Section to help you get ready for your Hero’s Journey ® Immersion.  This will include suggestions to help you begin your journey while still at home. You will be asked to respond to self-reflective questions, and we will suggest some reading to prepare you as well.

We will want a few concise written reflections on a few Preparation Questions that you will submit to us before your arrival at Lifebridge, along with necessary paperwork and release forms.

All physical and logistical concerns such as recommended clothing and equipment lists and travel information will also be addressed in the preparation section.

The Hero's Journey® Myth

What is the one great story that best tells us about our past, about the meaning and purpose of our origins?  What is the one great story that will inform us of our future, of our as-yet unrealized destiny?   What is it that best informs us about how to live into the mystery of our own existence?  This is precisely what Campbell described to be the Hero’s Journey.

“People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances within our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive.”

Joseph Campbell

The Power of Myth

A vital person vitalizes the world.

– Joseph Campbell

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