Men's Soul Tavern Retreat Details
Arrival between 3:00 - 5:00pm on Thursday, January 8th
What to Expect For Your Retreat Weekend
It’s been said that the best type of journey experience is when you are able to expect nothing, and be ready for anything. One of the best adaptive capacities for a seasoned traveler is to be capable of the unexpected.
That being said, you can plan for the following:
1. WHEN – you are to arrive at Lifebridge Sanctuary between 3:00 and 5:00pm on Thursday
2. WHO – We are intending to have a group of 20 men for this retreat. We will at times be together as a large group, particularly as we start and end our days.
There will be three Ally Groups that break off from the large group, to support more intimate conversations our men’s retreat. These will be facilitated by Michael Mervosh, Joseph Jastrab and Josef Beraha.
3. HOW – Each day, we will engage the universal process of the Hero’s Journey myth:
Each morning we come together as a community of men to greet one another, settle in, center and open ourselves, and review the theme to be engaged.
- From there, we will spend our time in our pre-established Ally Groups.
In the evenings, we will come back to the larger community to share our experiences, speak to what stands out, and to further our sharing in spontaneous, short breakout conversations with other men.
“It’s a joy to be hidden, and a disaster not to be found.”
– D.W. Winnicott
To Get The Most Out Of Your Retreat Weekend
Set aside, as best you can, your electronic device and phone commitments during this weekend. We will make space for you to go on walks and be outdoors. Your reflection and digestion time will be an important feature of the retreat weekend, as well as your time to experience yourself out in nature, as part of a living universe.

“I only wanted to do what made sense to my interior. I don’t see how one can live otherwise…When you wander, think of what you want to do most that day, not what you told yourself you were going to want to do.”