Men's Soul Tavern Dinner Pittsburgh

With Yigit Menguc, Thomas Douglas & Michael Mervosh 

Enjoy Dinner & Fellowship

Have Conversations That Matter

Thursday May 8th, 2025

Re-Engage   Re-Enliven  Re-Awaken
at Khalil’s
Middle Eastern Restaurant


Email: [email protected]

Come, come, whoever you are – wanderers, worshippers, lovers of leaving.

Come, even if you have broken your vows to yourself a thousand times.

It doesn’t matter.  Ours is not a caravan of despair.

Just come,  come to the here and now, again and again. 

– Rumi

Men’s Soul Tavern Dinner 

Thursday, May 8th, 2025

The 13th-century Persian poet Rumi often used metaphors to convey spiritual and mystical themes. One of his most famous metaphors is that of the “soul tavern.”

In Rumi’s view, the soul is like a traveler who has been wandering in the desert, looking for water to quench his thirst. Our “Soul Tavern” is a place where the traveler can find refuge and replenish their spirit, just as a traveler in the desert would find shelter and sustenance in a physical tavern. 

Orientation to the Soul Tavern

Where: “Khalil’s4757 Baum Blvd, Pittsburgh, 15213

When: 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm (arrive as close to 6:00 pm as possible, so we can begin together!)

Cost: $70

Be capable of something unexpected; be open to surprising yourself.  Enjoy company and guided conversation with interesting men who aim to live with passion, depth and generativity.

BYOB – optional – bring a bottle of wine or soft drink.


Get Your Place At Our Table

Maximum seating is 25.  Registration is on a first come, first served basis.