The Men’s Stewarding Journey
More Information about the Men’s Stewarding Journey

To be a steward is to take one’s own personal Hero’s Journey ® to the next level.
The knowledge acquired through being a participant about the outer and inner processes is the foundation for each man’s experience of becoming and being a steward of the work. He knows the lay of the land. Now, as a steward, he works that landscape from a different and fresh perspective. He is part of a team of an inner circle of men that create a sacred experience for other men, as well as fully participating in his own unique experience for himself. To be a Steward is to practice the art of moving in and out of different states of consciousness fluidly and without resistance to what comes next. The way of the Steward is to say “yes” to life, at every opportunity that presents itself.
The current Hero’s Journey ® Stewardship Program has been created and crafted by Peter Faust. He is supported by the Steward’s Leadership Team of Brian Pohland, Andrew Fisher, James Stilwell, and Clayton Heberling. The steward’s experience during the Journey Intensive is centered around the reality of what a heroic man’s life truly is. No one saves a hero. He accepts the limits of this fate, yet he is the master of his own destiny. He is responsible for his own experience while a steward, while on the mountain. In this way, he learns to take greater responsibility for his own life off the mountain.
The Stewards on the Men’s Journey choose to show up with their own authentic response to what life presents to them. They have chosen the path of both external and internal work in order to mature as men and grow as human beings. They are all in, each day, as the Journey unfolds and reveals itself.
For more information, please be in touch with Peter Faust [email protected]
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Be The Hero Of Your Own Life