Hero’s Journey® Foundation 

Vitalization Training Resources – January 2025

Vitalization Training Week 2


Sunrise on Bonticue Crag

November 2024

We began exploring what it means to be a part of an enlivening ‘interpersonal field’ as a newly forming learning group.

How might the vitality and the potentiality of the whole learning group exist as a budding possibility within each of its members?

We worked with creating/discovering a vitalizing ‘potential space’ for direct exchanges and lived encounters with one another that we could track and experience together with ‘a felt sense’ in our bodies.

We explored how both practitioner and client might each be fed by a particular kind of encounter – one that both re-enacted an old and familiar pattern, yet also held a newly emerging possibility for novelty and aliveness?

We practiced paying attention to the necessity of a ‘dynamic tension’ in vitalizing presences, encounters and enactments that could yield life-giving ‘potential space’ to our desires, and give ‘generative movement’ to our aggressive and enlivening impulses.

We practiced living into the notion of ‘vitalizing moments of meeting’, where potential shifts into a transformative moment for each person involved an exchange that brought forth novelty – a new and unusual way of thinking and acting.

These moments of meeting were catalyzed by the presencing of an actively engaged and attentive witness, who could become an ‘enlivening object’ for their client.

Week Two -Readings For January 2025

Vitalizing Theme:

Approaching & Engaging Desire In Self & Other

Training Week Two

This reading material is directly related to the skills we will discuss and practice for the upcoming training week.  (I am doing my best to keep the readings reduced to a manageable amount of pages.)  I will be referring back to this material throughout the morning sessions on each training day.

Personal book notes are included when available that summarize the chapters to be read.  They are more abbreviated and condensed from the chapter content.  They will be posted on the readings page in PDF formatting for easy downloading.


  1.  Chapter 7 – From Object to Subject – Open To Desire – Epstein – pages 131-142.
  2. Chapter 3 – Activating Lifeness In The Analytic Encounter – Vitalizations in Psychoanalysis – pages 58-78.
  3. Chapter 7 – Reawakening Desire – Vitalizations in Psychoanalysis – pages 150-165.
  4. Chapter 2 – The Enigma of Desire – The Enigma of Desire: Sex, Longing & Belonging – Atlas – pages 16-30.
  5. Paper – Love In The Afternoon: Reconsidering Desire & Dread – Messler-Davies 19 pages.
  6. Paper  The Guilty Pleasure of Erotic Countertransference – Celenza – 9 pages. 


PDFs Of Book Chapters

Open To Desire – Chapter 7 – From Object To Subject – Epstein

Key Concepts
1) It is not possible to eliminate desire by pretending it is not there.  The problem with denying any aspect of our desire is that it persists as a shadow.

2) Opening to what we most desire can take us beyond just a craving for what the popular culture has conditioned us to want.

3) Unrest, instability and uncertainty are the three marks of existence that color our lives these days.  In the face of these qualities, we all feel the depths of our yearning or longing.

Vitalization – Chapter 3 – Activating Lifeness In The Analytic Encounter – Peltz

Key Concepts
1) The emphasis on this chapter is on activating, affective, vitalizing presences in the field of the therapeutic relationship – transformation in action – transformation in being, in we ‘use all there is to use’ to establish emotional contact.

2) The clinical task is to ‘enter into’ the field of the relationship, to move in close, while keeping a second eye on what we have entered and what it stirs in us.

3) A vitalizing presence is a presence that momentarily awakens the most rudimentarycapacity in a person to feel alive as her/himself.

Vitalization – Chapter 7 – Reawakening Desire – Messler Davies

Key Concepts
1) Instrumental to awakening this desire in the therapeutic encounter is the shared experience of what Davies defines as ‘analytic love’ – a kind of love that can flourish without threat to appropriate therapeutic boundaries between withholding and seduction.

2) Re-awakening desire requires a deep understanding of the patient’s unconscious experience, which allows something new to be created between therapist and patient that has never quite existed before.

The Enigma of Desire – Chapter 2 – The Enigma of Desire – Atlas

Key Concepts
1) The pragmatic aspects of desire are related to the early life experiences had with the actual mother, the real interactions that include patterns of arousal, regulation, touch, gaze, vocal rhythms, etc.

2) The enigmatic aspect of desire is beyond our conscious knowledge of ourselves.  It refers to the perplexing implicit communication and transmission from the mother’s unconscious to the baby’s mind and body.  It is focused on the endless elusiveness and mystery of Otherness, and the existential aspects of sexuality.

Paper – 2. Davies – Love in the afternoon 

Key Concepts
1) This complex paper focuses on our tendencies to cast aside the reality that sexuality is still an outgrowth of shifting physical sensation as it occurs in relation to specific fantasied and interpersonal relationships. 

2) This particular aspect of self organization and experience grows increasingly elaborated and differentiated with time, and assumes a position of particular centrality in any attempt to understand the individual’s erotic life.  It addresses the experiences of self in relation to other in which love, shame, idealization, envy, and rage are not just words, but systems of physical sensation, elusive, ever-shifting, and rarely, if ever, verbalized in normal interpersonal discourse

3) We cannot, as individuals, come to know an experience that we have not first felt.  Nor can we integrate an experience of erotic desire until we have been able to explore it comfortably with another in an atmosphere safe from both intrusive overstimulation or silent humiliation.

The Guilty Pleasure Of Erotic Countertransference – Celenza

1) This paper illustrates how erotic countertransference can be used to further the clinical process in each example. The question ‘‘What would it be like if we would be lovers?’’ is danced around in every relationship regardless of age, gender, role, or context.  Celenza states that our unconscious is never married and there are no boundaries or limits in our imagination.

2) This question should be a moment in every deep therapythat the analyst should wonder where she stands in relation to each patient on this question, meaning what she erotically feels toward her patient. It is a meaningful question, especially for those patients in whom the capacity to erotically arouse seems dormant or dead.



Sometimes, when available, you might prefer to read from one of the author’s published papers, instead of reading from their corresponding book chapter.  Most of the time, the content is very similar, if not the same.  It simply offers you another reading style.


November 2024

Audio Recordings


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Week One: Readings To Review

 None for this upcoming training week.

Bonus Resources

Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditation


We Cannot Be Self-Made

Friday, November 15, 2024
A reflection on the South African concept of Ubuntu.

Here is the poem Aimee wrote and recited after one of our morning embodiment meditations:


Allow Spirit, your Muse to take hold of you

Letting go of the performance

Knowing that is does not serve you

Performance is safety, a mirror that allows you to fit in

But not your Spirit, your Muse

How to hold this discomfort

Shedding the layers of what is not real

To find a place in this world

To allow me to be seen without my armor

– Aimee Greenfield

Poems Read


You Must Meet The Outer World With Your Inner World

Mark Nepo

There is a wind that keeps blowing since the beginning of time, and in every language ever spoken, it continues to whisper, “You must meet the outer world with your inner world or existence will crush you.

If inner does not meet outer, our lives will collapse and vanish. Though we often think that hiding our inwardness will somehow protect or save us, it is quite the opposite.  The heart is like a miraculous balloon.  Its lightness comes from staying full.  Meeting the days with our heart prevents collapse.

This is why 90 year-old widows remain committed to tending small flowers in spring; why 10 year-olds with very little to eat care for stray kittens, holding them to their skinny chests; why painters going blind paint more; why composers going deaf write great symphonies.

This is why when we think we can’t possibly try again, we let out a sigh that goes back through the centuries, and then, despite all our experience, we inhale and try again.

When I Met My Muse 

William Stafford

I glanced at her and took my glasses
off – they were still singing. They buzzed
like a locust on the coffee table and then
ceased. Her voice bellied forth, and the
sunlight bent. I felt the ceiling arch, and
knew that nails up there took a new grip
on whatever they touched.  “I am your own
way of looking at things,” she said.  “When
you allow me to live with you, every
glance at the world around you will be
a sort of salvation.”  And I took her hand.

so like still water


We can make our minds
So like still water
That beings gather about us
that they may see,
It may be,
Their own images,
And so live for a moment
With a clearer,
Perhaps even fiercer life
Because of our quiet.


A vital person vitalizes the world.

Who was one person from your past that vitalized you?

Cultivating A Vital Presence

By Providing Quality Training, Beauty, Privacy, Intimacy and Spaciousness

HJF Vitalization Training
@ Lifebridge Sanctuary


333 Mountain Rd, Rosendale, NY, 12472

90 minutes north of New York City

About Us


The Hero’s Journey® Foundation provides depth work, and experiential learning opportunities by living through the myth of the Hero’s Journey® and following this myth as a vehicle for human development and transformation.

We support individuals and groups in the pursuit and awakening of their own unrealized potential.

We’re looking forward to sharing this special place as grounds for awakening new possibilities and potentials, both within our own programs, and by inviting other organizations to retreat and gather at Lifebridge. 

Hero’s Journey® Foundation