A Deeper Dive into the
Women’s Journey Retreat
Learn more about the Women’s Journey Retreat.
If you have questions, contact Anna Noack.
An Invitation
On a Women’s Journey Retreat, we offer a rich tapestry of tools and practices designed to ground and enrich your Journey experience:
- Nature Immersion: Immerse yourself in the healing embrace of nature through guided forest walks, and grounding movement on the land. Connect with the earth’s rhythms and draw strength from the natural world.
- Group Sharing and Support: Engage in group dialogue, council-sharing circles, and supportive groups where you can openly express yourself, receive validation, and connect deeply with other women. Experience the profound healing power of community and shared wisdom.
- Ritual and Ceremony: Participate in sacred rituals and ceremonies that honor the cycles of nature, the wisdom of ancestors, and the interconnectedness of all beings. Experience the transformative power of ritual to deepen your connection to yourself and the world around you.
- Mindfulness Meditation: Cultivate present-moment awareness and inner calm with mindfulness meditation practices. Learn techniques to anchor yourself in the here and now, fostering a sense of groundedness and clarity.
- Yoga and Movement: Reconnect with your body and cultivate embodied presence through gentle yoga sessions and movement practices. Release tension, restore balance, and awaken your body’s intuitive wisdom.
- Creative Expression: Tap into your innate creativity and self-expression through movement, music and journaling. Engage in creative practices that allow you to integrate your journey experience.
- Reflection and Integration: Take time for quiet reflection, journaling, and contemplation to integrate your experiences and insights. Create space for inner exploration and self-discovery, allowing the wisdom of your journey to unfold organically.

“The psyches and souls of women also have their own cycles and seasons of doing and solitude, running and staying, being involved and being removed, questing and resting, creating and incubating, being of the world and returning to the soul-place.”
― Clarissa Pinkola Estés

An Orientation To The Hero’s Journey
At the Women’s Hero’s Journey® Retreat, participants are invited to enter into the living myth of the journey.
We work with the Journey Myth in a three-phase cycle:
- Separation/Taking leave of everything you know (Home)
- Initiations (Letting the deeper experience of the present moment change you)
- The return (Opening to the more authentic you in a world that is sorely in need of your full participation)
The archetypal myth of the Hero’s Journey® is an ageless and timeless immersion into transformative possibilities. We make use of the Journey Myth to engage deeply in our lives as they are.
Women’s Journey Retreat Guides
Kate Pernice and Anna Noack are seasoned facilitators with over 20 years of collective experience in guiding transformative journeys for women.
Rooted in the wisdom of the Hero’s Journey®, their collaborative approach blends mythic storytelling, experiential exercises, and deep introspection to create powerful and soul-stirring group experiences.
Together, they bring a wealth of knowledge, compassion, and reverence for the sacred to their work, guiding women on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and transformation.

The Women’s Heros Journey provided me with a safe, supportive, and challenging environment to heal deeply and have a new visceral experience of my own vital life force. Coming home I feel curious and excited to live and create from this new place within myself and bring more of myself out into my community.ng but grateful for the whole messy, grand process?
Join The Journey Retreat Today
Be The Hero Of Your Own Life